Week of June 25, 2010

Hydrangea serrata 'Preziosa' blooming near the bamboo bridge in the Asian Woods.
Photo by Lisa Roper

A wonderful dark flowered form of the common breadseed poppy blooming in the Tennis Court Garden.
Photo by Jonathan Wright

Orange Lychnis x arkwrightii blooms mingles with Eryngium planum 'Blue Cap', Euphorbia marginata and Festuca idahoensis in the gravel garden.
Photo by Laurel Voran

Aesculus parviflora at the entrance to the Asian Woods.
Photo by Lisa Roper

Eucomis 'Tugela Jade' -the first of many pineapple lilies to come in the Entrance Garden.
Photo by Jonathan Wright

A mix of echinacea, tanacetum and cosmos blooming on the arbor steps.
Photo by Lisa Roper

Bright orange Echinacea 'Tiki Torch' near the water wheel.
Photo by Lisa Roper

Aesculus parviflora blooming at the edge of Minder Woods.
Photo by Laurel Voran

Lilium 'African Queen' blooming through Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' in the Tennis Court Garden.
Photo by Jonathan Wright

The fuzzy buds Hydrangea aspera prepare to open in the Asian Woods.
Photo by Lisa Roper
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Our parking lot may fill on beautiful days and on Friday nights. Please carpool and arrive early. If the lot is full, please circle the block until a space opens.